Welcome to Redraw Your Path! A weekly podcast that elevates stories of inspirational, introspective people who have taken a unique path in life. Guests talk with Host Lynn Debilzen about their moments of messiness, fear, and reframing to give you a real glimpse into what each turn was like.
About Your Host
Where did the idea for Redraw Your Path come from? In 2022, I left my job with a super clear plan to take some time off and then get back into the workforce. My plan was to pivot my nonprofit career into corporate, because obviously mo’ money mo’ happiness. Easy, peasy. Five months later, that plan blew up.
The job search started to be brutal. And then, I was reminded how short life is when I lost a dear friend to suicide. Suddenly, the idea of spending 2000+ hours/year making a company more money, contributing to someone else’s dream, wasn’t for me anymore. But what was?
I always had dreams that were outside of the traditional “career” space, but how do I pursue them while also trying to earn a living? I am, in fact, in a very complicated relationship with capitalism…..so, there’s that. Hence, why I dedicated my career to nonprofits. I knew what I was good at. I knew what I enjoyed. But I had no idea how to take all that and do something with it, in a way that supported me actually reaching my dreams – outside of a traditional career path.
So, as an extrovert, I talked to people. And then I talked to more people. And more people. And I kept hearing a theme come up – one that I had NEVER considered before. These inspiring people all had the audacity to create their own path. They had taken a turn in some huge way that was outside of the bounds of what I believed was “allowed.” And so, I wanted everyone to hear these conversations. I believe the more we’re each inspired, the more we can live in alignment with who we’re meant to be. That takes bravery. But the braver we are, the better the world is.
I can’t wait to take you along on this journey!